Data Centers
Expertise & Resources

Resource conservation

Reducing environmental impact

Our energy-efficient data centers 

  • Reduce environmental impact by requiring fewer construction materials while delivering industry-leading PUE 
  • Utilizing energy and resource-efficient cooling systems  
  • Increase asset values and lower operating costs

Data centers consume significant amounts of energy and water. We actively monitor and manage our energy and water use and implement conservation measures. Our resource conservation efforts include auditing existing facilities for operational enhancements, making low and no cost upgrades, investing in capital projects that generate substantial energy, water and cost savings, and pursuing available utility incentives. 

Energy conservation

Energy-efficient data centers have a reduced impact on the environment and cost less to operate. We continually push to make our data centers more energy efficient, lower our Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), and reduce costs for our customers. 

In 2023, we saved over 19,800 MWh of energy and reduced our carbon footprint by 13,800 MTCO2e through various energy efficiency projects. We use internationally recognized frameworks such as ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 to guide our actions, comply with laws and regulations, and reduce our carbon footprint. We also benchmark and certify our portfolio properties to industry standards through third-party energy efficiency programs such as ENERGY STAR and NABERS. 

Waste and water conservation

We evaluate availability, cost, and alternate supply solutions when obtaining potable water, including using reclaimed water from municipalities. We have a documented history of water conservation and will continue making it a priority through our Global Water Strategy. This strategy addresses the critical role water plays in our operations, identifies areas where scarcity may impact our data centers, and outlines plans for improving water conservation, preparedness, and redundancy in our operations. In 2023, we reduced our water use intensity by 14% and met 45% of our irrigation and cooling needs with non-potable water sources.


Meeting the Better Buildings Challenge

In 2014, we joined the Better Buildings Challenge, a U.S. Department of Energy initiative, to reduce power consumption in our data centers. We aimed to make our buildings 20% more energy efficient by 2024 and achieved it by 2016. Today, we continue pushing to exceed our energy conservation goals.  

Energy Star Partner of the Year

We are the first data center provider to be recognized with the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award and have the most ENERGY STAR-certified data centers globally. In 2024, we received the award for the fourth year.

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